Transnational Training in Duisburg

30 September 2024 by


On September 28th, the Duisburg Firebrigade invited partners from the FlashFloodBreaker Project to take part in the joint flood response activities on the shores of the river Rhine. Together with members of the German armed forces and the Technisches Hilfswerk, Firebrigades from Germany, The Netherlands and France as well as representatives from local and international waterboards shared training schemes, tools and experiences when showcased in the field.

"Finalement on n'avait pas tous les mêmes uniformes mais on est tous là ce matin pour partager et progresser encore dans la prise en charge de ce risque."

 Commandant Matthieu Oberhauser • Sapeurs - Pompiers de la Moselle 

Transnational Knowledge

Levee inspection


International partners shared knowledge about how to integrate AI tools into traditional knowledge  


Visual key points and experience merge into knowledge 


Partners from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and Ireland learned from each other

Transnational Knowledge

working with sandbags

Hands on!

sealing of levee breaches  

Different sealing techniques

In order to cope with small levee breaches partners trained the effectivenes of sandbag placement systems

Communication as key asset

Language barriers between the different partners were harmonized by clear task communication and a shared "hands-on-mentality"

See gallery

Transnational Knowledge

sandbag replacing systems

mobile Levee systems could be tested and studied on scene

See gallery

​Transnational Knowledge

 practice pumping​

Water is pumped from the Rhine River to fill mobile Levee constructions by members of EGLV- Lead partner of FlashFloodBreaker 

Comparision of pumping equipment by members of the Moselle  firebrigade

Pumping systems from waterboards and firefighters can equally be useful in cases of flashflooding

See gallery

FlashFloodBreaker 30 September 2024
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