FlashFloodBreaker in Duisburg, Germany

3rd Partner Meeting, September 26th & 27th 2024
25 September 2024 by


Water is on the rise. May it be Romania, Slovakia, Poland or Chech Republic in the East or Switzerland, Italy, France and Germany in the Centre and West. Flash floods occurring in different regions at the same time and the transnational fluvial systems make flood fighting a European challenge. Transnational regional responses can help to amplify national rescue plans by adopting experiences made “on the shore” of floods.

In preparation of the training and in the spirit of sharing experience and expertise the FlashFloodBreaker partnership meets on September 26th until 27th 2024 at the Duisburg Town hall. The 3rd project working group meeting is to consolidate the transnational activities of the first project period. The following fields of joint work will be discussed:

1.) Organisational and structural based activities such as flash flood responsive communities, training of flood fighting experts, crisis units, students and young professionals, as well as raining awareness of residents.

2.) Technical activities such as modelling tools based on AI, merging pluvial and fluvial modelling, using drones and real-time processing activities and early-warning systems.

For this, project partners and associated partners meet up in 9 working sessions, shaping mutually the joint work with input presentations, discussion and agreement of the following steps.​

Download the programme of the 2-days meeting here:

1st day of FlashFloodbreaker partner meeting

On September 26th 2024, partners from the Flashfloodbreaker Project met in Duisburg City Hall. 

Opening Council of Duisburg

Martin Murrak, Chief Executive of Duisburg City and Marie-Édith Ploteau welcome the international partners of FlashFloodBreaker

Ideas, concepts, strategies

The partners came together to share ideas and experiences in the fields of Early warning systems, disaster response management, AI based forecast tools and real time data processing. Furthermore partners discussed local concepts for raising flood response awareness and how to integrate and work together with local communities. 


2nd day of partner meeting in Duisburg 

How to develop transnational training schemes? Which tools can be used for the purpuse of raising awareness among communities in risk of flash flood​ing. 

FlashFloodBreaker 25 September 2024
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